Thursday, November 3, 2011

Human Nature...

Just the other day when I was having a chat with my daughter’s therapist about the pressures & stress that mother’s have to deal with, when I came to know some of shocking facts which I thought till now was seen & hear only in TV & novels…

She told me about a mother who committed suicide last year with her Autistic child only because her husband told to abandon that special child & look after the other 2 normal kids they had….He put so much pressure that she unable to bear it committed suicide with that special child as she knew that anyone will look after her other 2 normal kids but not this child…

A doctor who has given birth to an autistic child was left by her husband because she gave birth to a child who is not normal….

          I also remember 1 mother who was assured by her husband & in laws that they would take care of 1st born who was a special child, until the 2nd child is born…that mother trusted them & went ahead … but until 2nd child was born & mother was fit to continue with the child’s therapy, the child’s therapy & treatment was discontinued.

There are many instances where in I have heard people telling mothers of special child to abandon them leave them & go for another child…. There are many fathers who have left their wives & special kids because they wanted a normal child & not a “damaged/abnormal” one…

Why???? Aren’t those kids also humans??? Don’t they have the right to live??? Don’t they have the right for their parents love & support??? Is it their fault or their mother’s fault that they are not like other normal kids????

Why do humans behave like this??? Even an animal who can't talk will wait by its offspring if the child is injured or hurt….then why do humans expect us to abandon out offspring’s if they are not normal???

Why is it that always a mother is blamed for all that goes wrong & a father is praised for all that goes right??? Whereas it's the mother who sacrifices all her wishes, life, career for her child & family…

When will we people change our attitude towards these special kids & their mothers????

          Also I would like to ask God, people say “children are God’s Gift”…..if this is true why does he not give all normal gifts….why the special gifts??? Which makes the receiver suffer life long????

I know people who’ll read this may feel what a person I am…but these are what we parents especially mothers of special kids go through…

What we suffer, what we experience is far more different from what we show or tell…….