Thursday, April 10, 2014

I - Finding Myself

In present time, we have become so busy and engrossed that sometimes we forget ourselves.

Especially, we women are so busy taking care of entire household that we forget our identity.

Before marriage we are known as so and so’s daughter or sister, after marriage so and so’s wife or daughter-in-law, after kids so and so’s Mom. In our entire life time we are addressed as somebody’s wife, daughter, and mother but never as I, ourselves.

We also, in this process, somewhere down the lane we forget who we are and go on with our life.

Is it wrong to be recognized as Me, who I am? Why can't I have my own identity? We take our parents name before marriage and after marriage our husband’s. Inspite of getting good education, job, somewhere we tend to forget who we really are.

We listen to parents before marriage and after marriage act according to husband and in-laws. Why we are not allowed to have our say in some matters?

We women are trained since childhood to be behind scenes. And we sometimes get used to it.

Take for example, we mothers of kids with special needs. We are so busy taking care of our kids and their needs on daily basis that we are hardly left with time and energy for ourselves. If by chance we do find some time for us, people say “what kind of mother she is, not bothered about her child? She is having fun alone…”

Give us a break yaar…First of all we are always the worse sufferers in these matters. We are first taunted and blamed that due to us the child is not normal. Then when we try to treat the child to make them independent, they say we are wasting money. A mother’s job is a 24 x 7; 365 days job with no salary, no appraisals, no holidays, no sick leaves, no appreciation nothing… Inspite of that if we try to spend some time on ourselves, what’s wrong with that?

Aren’t we humans? Don’t we deserve a break? Don’t we need some rest? Don’t we all need some “ME” time?

Like others we too need some rest, some appreciation, some “Me” time. And after a whole day of hard work, it's a definitely and a big “YES”.

So what if we don’t get paid or appreciated, if we go on 1 day strike, you’ll realize how worthy our job is…

So enjoy your “I” moment… All humans deserve it.                  

Go for a walk, listen to music, pamper yourself in parlor, spend time with friends, and enjoy some break … Rejuvenate yourself, life must have never felt better, after you give attention to yourself. Protection Status


  1. Your post resonates thoughts of so many women out there...We just forget ourselves no?

    Latest A2Z Challenge Post-Random Thoughts Naba

    1. Yes Nabanita... I too did same till my heath rang a bell and told me to take care of my self :)

  2. Everybody needs ME-Time, be it women or men. Women are the primary caregivers and hence have more on their plates but with a little help from others in the family, they can do all the fun things mentioned in your lovely post.

    1. Thank you Sulekkha :) help and support is main thing :)

  3. Really your post reflects our feelings and suffocation of staying within boundaries of family and responsibility, We should come out of it and try to take out time for oneself.

  4. I think everyone needs me time - i'ts so important to have time for yourself to retain your sanity!

  5. There is nothing wrong in being selfish. Everyone needs a time out. To much work and no play make Jane a dull girl...what say? :)

  6. Every one needs the "ME" time. It is the best time. The time where U belong to only U. We daily need some me time
    Good post Aparna

  7. Some time for ourselves,our choices,our silences,away from all !

  8. When I take time for "me" I know I am a better woman!

  9. My mother died long ago, but she would have appreciated your words. She was always the hardest working member of our family and was not always fully appreciated. So, from a man: good post!

  10. Liked ur post..i totally agree with U....try and take out some time everyday and do what v like to do..

  11. every Individual should realise his or her worth and be proud to be Self... Love ur self.... So much that people love the way u love ur self and learn to love themselves too...

  12. It is amazing to read your words. They could have been written by me when I was much younger and my children were small. What helped me the most was finding my talents and developing them as hobbies or as work. Even if a woman cannot work outside the home, she can experiment with creative things like writing or painting or doing fine needlework--we are all good at something, and that's what makes us feel unique.

  13. I'm visiting from the A to Z linkup. My "I" time is some Grey's Anatomy and really yummy food! I enjoyed your post a lot.

  14. Oh! Here's my link!

  15. And for all the work we do, just a little can make so much difference: a bubble bath never fails to restore me :-) I say you have earned a break, and a big cheer of appreciation.
    Lisa at Wishbone Soup Cures Everything

  16. Thank you for this. ..
    Mine for today is

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This post would relate to every woman. Loosing one's identity is the worst thing that can happen. Thus it's important to have that ' ME ' time to rediscover ourselves. /

  19. I agree with your post. No one—man or woman—should allow outside influences to change who they are. Some of this will happen naturally. We can't be the same as we were before, but if we take an active role in the change, we will have some say in what happens. The problem is balance. I've known some men and women who focused on themselves so much that they forgot everyone else. What results are broken families, failed marriages, and the like. Balance is key ... as it is in all things.

    Though the post is geared toward women, men are just as guilty, though usually in reverse. Many men would do well to remember what their wives go through, which puts them in the unique position of being the one to encourage their wife's "me" time.

    In any case, good reminders for us all.

  20. So true and so important. It's hard to hold onto your own identity sometimes; or to simply remember to treat ourselves kindly. Best wishes with the challenge.

  21. I hear you completely and yes we do deserve me time no matter what. It is by treating ourselves kindly that we can take care of others. screw those who don't understand. we don't need to be understood just taken care of. Good luck with the rest of the challenge. Do visit me at thanks

  22. Hey, enjoyed your post.. We indeed sacrifice so much for our families and in all this there should never be any guilt in spending sometime on your own self. Your love and care keep your family strong and you totally need to pamper yourself at times.

  23. Oh i just loved ur blog Aparna di. Thoroughly enjoy reading ur posts.


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