Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Competitive world…..

Today the world has become so much competitive that even kids are not spared…..They are pushed into this competition since they are  born…

Parents compare their kids with others who are around …for e.g. my kids started walking at age of 1 year whereas so & so’s child started walking at 10 months so on & so forth…

In nursery where my daughter used  to go I have seen mothers comparing their kids answer sheets & report card with that of other kids in class especially with those who have scored more than their own kids!!!!

Why have we become so competitive that we push the kids to edge?????

No wonder student suicides are more during exams period & after results are declared….

Have they ever given a thought what the child wants???? now-a-days the kids rarely find time for themselves…school work, project, tuitions, extra curricular activities…where do they have time for playing with other kids…all they know is study ,study & more study…school, tuitions & classes…..

As if they are not kids but some machine whose parents want them to excel in all & show to the world yes that brilliant child (read as trophy) is ours…

But have they ever thought what does the parent of special kids think??? For whom 1 word spoken by the child or 1 step taken without any help or support, doing their daily chore without any help is such a big achievement for them…

The main problem with parents is comparison….They always keep comparing their kids with others & make their child realize that they want them to be like the other…the other child can be either a sibling or neighbour’s child or of any acquaintance. Why do parents always have to compare with others??? Why are they never satisfied with what their kids are?? Why do they always want their kids to achieve what they couldn’t??


Today a 11 yr old girl committed suicide just because her mother read her dairy in which she had written about a  boy who happened to be her classmate...

The main reason for suicides now-a-days in mainly due to communication gap...

Each member in a family has their own timetable..No one having having time for others....

When I was small every night while having dinner we used to discuss how our day passed ...Our parents used to tell about theirs in office & we of our school & college...Our parents used to advice us if we faced some difficulty...This continued till I got married..

I remember when i was giving my 10th board exam I came home crying as my paper didn't go well...My dad said forget about today's paper..prepare well for tomorrow..as u cant change today but you can change your tomorrow....Isn't it true???

Suicide is not the solution for any problem...Discussing with your family member or with friend can find solution for the problem...


1 comment:

  1. Well said...its so true.We can see comparison in every corer of the world today....not only parents compare their kids with other kids but they compare them selves with others too. So first of all we should stop comparing ourselves with others 1st. We should think that Every one in this world is Uniqe. No two persons can be same in all senses. when we respect every person around us , then we can stop comparing ourselves. That easily can change our thought for life and can even change our next generation as we stop comparing our kids with others. So b4 coapring our kids with others...we should stop comparing ourselves with others.


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