Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Review-Encounters by Sumana Khan

Someone's Always Waiting
Sumana Khan

ENCOUNTERS is a potpourri of five sumptuous stories involving a motley crew of protagonists. Skating along the borders of fantasy and paranormal themes, the stories track incredible and poignant journeys of self-discovery, tracing the cathartic aftermath of fleeting encounters.

My Review 

          Very rarely you come across an author, whose creations you are reading for 1st time and you think why I didn’t read her books before?

          Sumana, I am falling short of words to praise your work, your talent in writing, the way you kept me hooked till I finished each story is totally mesmerizing.

          I received Encounters through The Book Club for an honest review. And I would say I totally loved it. Like in her first story in the book First Love, I fell in love with the writer, the characters, the plot, the cover picture…

          First love left me spell bound, The storyteller had me awed, Reminiscence left me with tears in eyes and ache in heart, Happiness clinic left me thinking and last but not the least Best Friends made a permanent place in my heart.

          Loved the way Sumana has woven the plots, which leave the reader so engrossed, that I actually imagined myself there, characters playing in front of my eyes. Out of five stories, First Love, Happiness clinic and Best friends touched me a lot.

          I read the book twice and both the times it left me short of words, gasping for breath till I reached the end of a story.

Encounters-Someone’s Always Waiting, is a mixture of fantasy fiction, paranormal fiction, personal loss of a close one, natural calamity, finding one’s identity and reason of existence.

          Each story is of different genre and it leaves an everlasting mark on readers mind.

          My Verdict on Encounters – Someone’s Always Waiting … If you want to enjoy a good engrossing read, Encounters is one you must definitely go for. 
Grab your Copy @

You can get this book directly from the Publisher


Sumana was born and raised in Bengaluru, Karnataka, where she went on to graduate with a BSc in Electronics, much to the surprise of her teachers, and relief of her parents. In what can only be described as a quirk of fate, she ended up as an IT consultant - a role she essayed for more than a decade. She then moved to the UK where she quit her job and pursued academic and literary interests. The result of this pursuit has been two Masters, one published book, quite a few manuscript drafts, and above all, being stone-broke perpetually.

She currently lives in the UK with her husband and several books.  

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this Aparna...am so flattered you read the book twice!


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