Thursday, May 17, 2018

Reflections A to Z 2018 Challenge

Wow, what a hectic month April was…

This year, not only did I opt for a different style of writing the daily blogs but also, I finished on time. Not like previous years where I finished one day/week later.

April A to Z Blog Challenge (to read the details click here) is a challenge where we have to blog every day on the particular letter of the alphabet except on Sundays. We can write on random topics or select a theme. In 2014 I had done random topics (A - Z) while in 2015 the theme was on various medical conditions of children with special needs (Reflections 2015). Then for next two years, I backed out from the challenge at last moment.

This time too, initially I was a bit skeptical on what topics to write. But since a few months, I had been penning down few of my thoughts in form of flash fiction/micro tales; a format which is neither lengthy, nor in form of poems, but still, convey the entire story in a matter of few lines.

Here is the list of my blog post

Not only did I enjoy writing in this format, but also the feedback I got was overwhelming.

Also, I enjoyed reading some great posts by

Though I couldn’t reply to every comment, I would like to thank everyone who read my blogs, voted for me on Indivine, and appreciated my writing.

Also, I thank Rubina Ramesh, Sundari Venkatraman and Dr. Gopikrishnan Nambiar for taking some time out and writing the guest posts.

Last but not the least, thanks to the team of A to Z Challenge for creating such an awesome challenge and doing a great and commendable job in motivating and helping the participants. Protection Status


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