Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Review-Rubina Ramesh's Walking on the path of Indie Publishing

Walking on the Path of Indie Publishing
Rubina Ramesh

This booklet is temporarily pulled down and will be available soon. In the meantime, if you want to get a copy of the booklet, you can write to the author and ask for a copy at rubinaramesh1973@gmail.com

Now that you have decided to become an Indie author, here are a few tools you will need. 

The Topics covered are: 

1. What it takes to be an indie author 
2. Why have you chosen this path? 
3. Components of Indie Publishing 
4. Tools needed for writing. 
5. The Big Eight Brothers of Social Media 
6. Facebook Marketing: Promotional not Ad. 
7. Checklist for Facebook Marketing before your book is published: 
8. The Other Platforms for Marketing 
9. How to start a newsletter? 
10. Different forms of editing. 
11. The art of Cover Making 
12. Formatting of Manuscript 
13. Sample copyright page. 
14. Contacting reviewers 
15. Mind-Blowing Cover Designers' links 
16. Hashtags for Instagram Marketing and Twitter Marketing 
17.100 Facebook Groups to start off with your Book Marketing 

Hope this book is beneficial to the new authors out there. I, for one, learned a lot while writing and researching about it. 

Email to the author to get a copy of this book rubinaramesh1973@gmail.com

My Honest Review:

Walking On The Path Of Indie Publishing is the second book of the toolkit series and is written by well-known Indie author and founder of the book club, Rubina Ramesh.

In this book, Rubina has explained the nitty-gritty of the marketing, before, during and after the release of your book.

The author has covered each and every aspect of marketing on social media sites and not to forget, the finer details and importance of editing, beta reading, and proofreading.

In other words, Rubina has covered each and every topic from the start (i.e. from writing) until the end (i.e. release of your book).

I really applaud Rubina, first for putting together the idea of toolkits and secondly for her writing and sharing her in-depth knowledge and her experiences, which will provide as a guiding light to all aspiring authors, who would otherwise be moving around like a headless chicken in this publishing world.

Walking On The Path Of Indie Publishing is a must buy and read by one and all current and budding writers who aspire to publish their works, as it has all the necessary details that one will need, right from editing to marketing to cover image designing.

About the Author 

Rubina Ramesh is an avid reader, writer, blogger, book reviewer and marketer. She is the founder of The Book Club, an online book publicity group. Her first literary work was published in her school magazine. It gave her immense pride to see her own name at the bottom of the article. She was about 8 years old at that time. She then went to complete her MBA and after her marriage to her childhood friend, her travel saga started. From The Netherlands to the British Isles, she lived her life like an adventure. After a short stint in Malaysia, she finally settled down in the desert state of USA, Arizona.  Living with her DH and two human kids and one doggie kid, Rubina has finally started living the life she had always dreamed about – that of a writer.

Connect with the author:

Other books in this series

Why Go Indie? 6 Reasons for Self-Publishing  Vol 1
by Devika Fernando

Walking on the Indie Path Vol 2
Can be presently found in her blog www.rubinaramesh.com
by Rubina Ramesh

The Art of Ghostwriting Vol 3
by D. R. Downer

Publishing Your Book on Amazon KDP Vol 4
by Sundari Venkatraman

Fears and Doubts of a Writer Vol 5
By Reshma Ranjan

Boosting Book's Sales with a Riveting Blurb! Vol 6 
By Ruchi Singh

This Tour is Hosted by 

We Promote So That You Can Write 

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