Monday, June 10, 2019

Review-Ajinkya Bhoite's Shiva Stone

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Shiva Stone: Hampi's Hidden Treasure


Mithila is a senior archeologist on the Hampi site along with two other UNESCO scientists. They decide to open some secret vaults in the underground Shiva temple. Treasures and artifacts from the 18th century make the headlines but the Shiva Stone was kept a closely guarded secret. 

When a RAW officer hires Mithila on a secret mission to safely transport an ISRO professor and the Shiva Stone to Bangalore, she knows something is up.

Why is the stone called the Shiva Stone? Why are archeologists, UNESCO, ISRO, and RAW interested in a discovery at Hampi? Why is Mithila working for RAW? Is she the only agent on the mission? 

Shiva Stone will take you on a thrilling adventure through the historical site of Hampi. Buy it now!

My Review:

Shiva's Stone is a suspense mystery story which leaves the reader in mystery too. The book cover and the interesting blurb made me pick up the book but after reading it I was left disappointed. Though the language used is lucid same can't be said about the plot.

Initially, the story creates the pace and interests of the reader, but as you proceed somewhere you feel like, 'what's the story about?' It feels like a wild goose chase. It feels like while writing, in between the author has somewhere got distracted from the plot and ended the story in a hurry. There is very little mention of the importance of the Shiva's Stone on which the story is written. 

I have always liked reading mythology and mystery but not this one.

Grab your copy @

About the author

I am an Electronics and Telecommunication Engineer with an inclination towards reading and writing. Besides, being Engineer, I enjoy running. 

My first novel is Shiva Stone which is self-published on Kindle.

I was born in a small town called Wai, near Panchgani, Maharashtra. Moved to Satara for High School. 

Under-graduation from Pune University and Masters from California State University, Long Beach.

Currently, working as a Cloud Support Engineer for Amazon Web Services.

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