Saturday, July 27, 2013

Royal Princess...

         On arrival of Royal Prince George, Indiblogeshwaris decided to blog about “why you'd deserve to be Royal Baby”…

        Well…does being born in a royal family decides whether you are royal or acting like one decides you are royal or being treated like one decides you are royal???

       The last two options apply to my daughter, who behaves and is treated like a Royal princess by her Father and her maternal grandparents…

     Her Father likes to dress his princess only in branded clothes, whereas her grandparents being their only grandchild treat her like a rare Gem…According to them she shouldn't be scolded, she shouldn’t be spoken in higher tone/ voice, before she asks for she should be fed etc etc…

     And well, she behaves like one Princess…She doesn’t want to take in any effort, she likes to eat cheese, muesli, burgers and pasta, rather than our regular Indian healthy food…When we try to feed her something, first she’ll smell it, then will decide to eat or not… After first bite if she doesn’t like the flavor and smell, no matter what we do you just can’t make her eat it…

    We should be there at her beck and call, but when we call her she’ll reply at her own leisure…When we tell her to do something she’ll give us that look “how dare you talk to me like that???”

    Even in therapy sessions when her therapist asks her to pick up something or point out a card, she’ll look at me and my hands, and expect, me to lift her hands and assist her…

   But her smile is the killer one…According to her grandfather “it’s a million dollar smile” J

    Yes that’s my daughter Prerna, “Peru” as she is loving called by all, darling of all, does belong to a Royal family due to her behavior and who was by mistake born in a common man’s house…


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