Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Juvenile Diabetes

          Juvenile diabetes or type 1 diabetes as it’s generally called, is the most common form which occur in kids. It is caused due to inability of producing insulin by the pancreas. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means the condition in which the body’s immune system attacks body’s own tissues or organs. In type-1 diabetes, pancreas cells producing Insulin is destroyed.

          Reason for cause of childhood diabetes may either be genetic or obesity or some unknown environmental factors.

          The symptoms for Type-1 diabetes are similar to as in adults.

  •  Excessive thirst
  •  Frequent urination
  •  Sudden Weight loss
  •  Tiredness
  •  Dry mouth and/or skin
  •  Increased hunger
  •  Abdominal pain
  • Behaviour problems

Once the symptoms are noticed, it’s necessary to get diabetes diagnosed by getting child’s blood and urine checked for sugar. Once it’s diagnosed, doctors usually start with insulin treatment for kids to get sugar level under control.

Along with insulin treatment, diabetes must also be regulated by proper diet and physical activity. Usually doctor prescribes usual do’s and don’ts which if followed can bring sugar level under control. But even after the sugar level has returned to normal, it’s necessary to get a regular follow-up done.

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  1. A guy I worked for had a son with juvenile diabetes. He and his wife were big contributors to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (US), both with money and time.

    John Holton
    Blogging from A to Z 2015 Cohost
    The Sound of One Hand Typing

    1. Hats off to those parents who go put of way to help not only their kids but also try to easy out other kid's suffering...

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