Learning disability (LD) is a neurologically based problem. The kid
with LD has issues understanding concepts, reading or writing issues, sometimes
has difficulty doing simple math facts, language or sensory issues.
Depending on the various problems faced they
are classified in to different categories such as:
- Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder. This condition affects how a sound is interpreted by brain. They have difficulty recognizing different sounds in words, direction from which the sound is coming etc.
- Dyscalculia affects person’s ability to understand numbers and do maths. They struggle with memorizing and organizing numbers, poor comprehension of math symbols or have trouble with counting.
- Dysgraphia affects a kid’s handwriting ability and fine motor skills. Problems include poor handwriting and spelling, inconsistent spacing, difficulty in composing and writing at same time.
- Dyslexia sometimes referred as Language-based learning disability affects kid’s reading and language based processing skills. Dyslexia affects child’s reading comprehension, recalling, writing, spelling along with other related disorders.
of concentration and slow comprehension are main issues with learning
disabilities. Kids facing these problems can be helped by remedial and
occupational therapies, which help them, improve their motor skills and
In other words,

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