Saturday, April 5, 2014



          We expect so much in our day to day life. Every morning we get up and expect our day to be good. We expect to reach on our duties, school office, and college on time. We have a lot of expectations from life.
       We expect a lot from our parents, spouse, kids and siblings. The list of expectation is never ending.
     Expecting too much leads to heartbreak and disappointment… But then does it mean that we shouldn't have expectations???
        As my friend Mamata says “Expectations is that one thing which is best not had but still can’t do without it. Some expectations result in disappointments and some into a fulfilling feeling of happiness… but then that’s life… what’s life if you don’t expect from people you love, do the best you can for everyone and try not to burden them with your expectations…”

          What’s wrong in expecting from people we love? We expect our parents to understand and help us… Similarly  they expect us to fulfill their wishes and take care of them in old age… we expect our spouses to understand our feelings and viceversa… we expect our kids to listen to us and fulfill our wishes…

          But yes, too much of anything is definitely harmful. So why not give our best to our near and dear ones and be happy.

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  1. Expectations are tricky - when you expect, you set yourself up for disappointment. Yet, doing your bit without expectations is ver hard. It's a catch-20 situation, IMO!

  2. Very true..but I feel its very easy to say..but damn tough to implement!! Nice thoughts you shared😊😊

  3. Sometimes I also feel that without expectations, the world might not move forward. I guess, it's about drawing a line on what to expect from whom and when.

  4. I love this post. Very thought provoking!

  5. Agree with Prathima...we have to decide what to expect from whom and how much. Good post Aparna.

  6. Yes,too much expectations disappoint us ,when they do not follow.Let us expect less & do more .

  7. Can't stop people from expecting too much of us though, sadly! We can expect what is possible. Thought provoking indeed :)

  8. I remember a quote on reading this, dont expect something to happen just coz u want them , dont expect some thing not to happen just coz u dont want them. felt good on reading this

  9. I try not to expect too much then get a pleasant surprise when things turn out well. There are some advantages to being a pessimist!

  10. I love to Dream and hope, I have known disappointment but realistic expectations can be great tools for goals and plans...

  11. Good one Aparna!!! I think expectations are the very basis of our existence.. unless one achieves Nirwana :) Nice quotes as well esp. from our friend Mamata :)

  12. Very True. The less we expect, the more happier we are with what we get :)

    Cheers :)

  13. Only if we could measure expectations. Sadly, we cannot.

  14. Expectation just holds everything to a little higher standard. When they are not met however there can be disappointments all around.

    A visiting A to Zer


    Here is the link to may blog, forgot to put it.

  16. When I learned to manage my expectations I found them a little easier to handle otherwise life was one disappointment after another. Liked the post. thank you :)

    1. ... sorry my blog address is:
      Hope you'll come visit


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