Thanks to this one application on android and other smart
phones, people are in constant touch with each other.
got people connected; helped by forming groups and helped them chat, when on
move which is not provided by Facebook or Orkut. You can say, we are connected
to our near and dear ones irrespective of place, time and at no extra cost....
know Whatsapp is run by 50 people and made 19 billion when Facebook bought it.
Yes....Whatsapp is a huge entrepreneur achievement and while we speak Whatsapp
is printing dollars.
I met my
long lost friends, some school mates whom we knew nothing about few years back,
are ones with whom now I confide in most, today.
I feel
my life is same but Whatsapp has tied my hands with my school friends
throughout the day so that while I am doing my routine jobs I also say “hi”, smile,
laugh, empathatise with their problems, share my feelings....all together…Multitasking…
My daily chat with them completes my day... My day starts with “Good
Morning” and ends with “Good Night” to all my dearies… In between we catch up
with everything; kids, school, office problems, domestic issues, health issues,
everything under the sun. Inspite of not being near we have we have a shoulder
to cry on, friends to share laughter, agony aunt advice, friendly advice everything.
I am
more close to my friends then I was previously. Got to be in touch with them
after being separated for so many years.
to Whatsapp for this beautiful contribution.

Great tip! Thnx a lot :P