Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gifting - an art

          Giving someone a gift is actually an art.

          But now-a-days this art, like many others are fast vanishing. Be it a wedding, a birthday, a housewarming, or any other occasion, people give gift just because they have to and not because they mean to.

          People are forgetting the purpose of gifting. A gift is not just a thing which is bought, gift wrapped and given. But it does mean something to the person who gives gift and to the person who receives it.

          I don’t remember whether it was an ad or a TV serial, a couple buys a gift with much care for someone. The people who receive the gift, are not happy, so they change the wrapping and gift them to some other couple. This cycle moves on to a few more time til finally it comes back to the original couple who had bought it in first place.

          I remember this ad because I experienced it. Few years back when we shifted to our new house, we had invited few of my hubby’s friends for house warming party. They were nearly 4-5 couples who had come together. One of the couple gave us a gift without their name on it. They were in such a hurry to get off the gift from their hands that I felt bit weird “why such a hurry?” But I made a note in my mind that     nameless gift is by so and so couple. Because I maintain details of gifts received, for future reference.

          Next day when we all family members sat to open the gifts, I was in bit of a rude shock when I opened the gift of that particular couple. They had given us a crystal lotus showpiece (it was a real beauty if it had been 1 piece) which was chipped off at a couple of places and a petal was totally broken off.

          Never in my life had I received such a heart breaking gift. Hubby said (as he thinks all people are innocent except his wife) “it must have broken while coming”. Though it didn’t look like that. I said “if that was the case why didn’t they write their name on the gift box?”

          What I felt was, few months back they too had their house warming, and someone must have gifted them this piece. So why waste money and time in selecting a new gift??? I may be wrong but, yes, I was hurt that day…

For me “Gift” has a special meaning for me. It is a means of expressing our love to that person. That gift need not be of a very high value. Even a 5 rupees rose has a very special place just like a 500 rupee dress. What matters is the sentiments and love behind it.

Some of quotes which I came across, and I liked it

          How true are these quotes. Protection Status


  1. Gifts r truly expression of ur feelings... The best ones are d surprise gifts.. I even plan well the exection of giving such surprise gifts.. Gifts are priceless n prescious..

  2. Nice one Aps.... That line abt everyone being innocent except wife made me laugh...

  3. Well, your article about gifts is pretty good and worthy of reading. The quotes about gifts are good. I love them reading. For similar quotes and sayings visit

  4. I too remember that add aparna and I laugh every time I watch it but when some one gives broken gifts I make sure to just take it light when they invite me. :P I will go eat and come back

  5. yes it surely is an art, its not just the gift but the way you make the recipient feel on receiving it :)

  6. Oh the gifts are always dumped and recycled this way...especially those dryfruits ka dabbas you get during Diwali. Gifts must have some personal touch to it.

  7. Very true gifts are very precious Sangeeta and its special when its a surprise for us.

  8. Gud one Aps..
    Gifts are token of love,trust & goodwill. They play an important part in making us love one another.

  9. Aparna very is precious if it is 5Rs rose.. I always remember this line said by our hindi teacher but some people value the people with rate of the gift ...received


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