Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thank You, Thanks...

          It's such a common word, often used by all. Sometimes casually, sometimes it means a lot.

          Say this one word to the person who helped you, stranger or known and see their face lit up.

          So today through this blog I would like to Thank all of you who supported me through this A-Z challenge. Thank you all A-Zeders who read my blogs and commented (even though I was unable to find time to reply back or read theirs). Thank you all my friends and well-wishers who supported me and encouraged me through this challenge. Thanks to all my friends, especially to Janaki who told me not to quit this challenge as “you are not a quitter”. Who told me not to lose heart and try but not give up, when in middle of challenge I had thought of giving up.

          Thank you Sangeeta, Mamta, Sunita, Poonam, Kavita R, Kavita J, Viju, Rashmi, Sahana, Vishaka (list is endless), some of my besties who regularly read and commented on my blogs. Thank you all. If I missed some one out please don’t mind as it will take more than a day to name them all.


          A heartfelt thanks and big hug to all once again who read, commented, followed, liked and voted for my blogs.


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  1. You are overwhelming your well wishers, with so many thank yous !

  2. Most of us thank the important people in our lives. How many of us bother to thank the apparently unimportant people in our lives? For example, the support staff in our apartment complexes and our offices, waiters, the guys who serve water or clean tables in restaurants, etc. Every 'Thank you' means a lot to such people because they receive very few 'Thank you's.

  3. Best of luck..Keep blogging...update us with you thoughts and experience...

  4. very nice recognition of those who've support you I'm popping in from the a-z, even though it ended yesterday. :-) I enjoyed your Christmas reflection and agree with your post on today's youth. It seems every generation becomes more cynical and self-absorbed. :-( I like to find other women of faith in the blogosphere, so I'm going to follow you to stay connected. Come visit me, if you'd like. Nice to 'meet' you! http://adventuresintheballpark.blogspot.com

  5. And thanks to you that you did not quit. I have read all your posts :) Hope to see more posts from you.


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