Tuesday, April 29, 2014

School Memories/Friends

So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.

          People say school memories and school friends never leave us… They remain in our heart forever… How true is that???

          School life was the best part of my life… I had enjoyed my life to fullest in those 10 years…I had also made many good friends… But I had lost touch with all my school mates after leaving school as I had shifted to my native place for further education…

          But 6 years back when we got a laptop, I was able to get in touch with all my classmates, batch mates through social networking sites.

          Few months back when I got my new phone, I became a part of a group on Whatsapp formed by girls of my batch from school…

          And it was nearly like I had never been out of touch with them… it was nearly 19 years since I passed out from my school. So on friendship day i.e. 1st Sunday in month of August, it was decided that we girls will meet in Thane…

          Soon the D-day arrived. I had butterflies in my stomach…God I am meeting my friends from school after 19 years, will I recognize them, will they recognize me, what will I talk to them??? Questions were endless… Talking on networking site and chats are different then meeting people in real…

          Finally I reached the venue and it was like 19 years, says who??? We had never separated…
1st Meet At Korum Mall

           In this past 1 year we met thrice. And all the times it was more girls from school and more fun.

          School memories/friends are the first friends we make in our life and it remains for lifetime.

2nd Meet at Tikujini Wadi

            School memories are those memories we cherish throughout our life. It's the life wherein we enjoyed without any worries or tensions. Ask anyone, and all will reply school life was the best part of our life.


         Being in touch with our school friends even after school is the best thing one can ever wish for.

Thanks to networking sites and applications I met my friends after so many years and a very strong bond has formed among us... We are like one big family.

3rd meet at My Place

Love my School Memories and my School Friends.

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  1. Miss u all :( Hope to c everybody soon :)

  2. Great to know that you are meeting your schoolmates every year ! Nice collages !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well expressed ....have the same feeling!


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