Thursday, April 26, 2018

W for Who Am I?

Picture Credit : Google

          Last week I was watching this movie Kung Fu Panda (yes, I watch animated movies, don’t judge) and the above dialogue made me think, “Who am I?”

Am I a daughter?
Am I a wife?
Am I a mother?

In the melee of keeping everyone happy, we often tend to forget ourselves.

In India, we women are always referred to as Mr. X’s daughter or Mr. Y’s wife or XYZ’s daughter-in-law or A’s mother.  And, we too, get so used to it, that if anyone addresses us by our real name it takes few moments to register that “oh, they are calling me”. How many of you agree with it?

Due to that, with the passage of time, and also in our day-to-day busy schedule, irrespective of gender, we forget ourselves. So it is necessary to have a little bit of ‘Me Time’. Nowadays, I have made a habit of spending some me time at the end of the day. Not a mother, not a wife, not a daughter, but just me. Even if its five minutes before retiring to bed, I try to take that time out for unwinding myself by just switching off my mobile, TV and recollecting my day’s happenings, or sometimes it’s just nothing. I just go blank and watch the fan rotating on the ceiling and I ask myself,

“Who Am I?”
Am I a daughter?
Am I a wife?
Am I a mother?
Am I a blogger?
Am I a home-baker?

I am all of above but more than that, I am me…

And that my dear friends, one mustn’t forget. So even if someone calls you selfish or anything, just ignore. Trust me, even that five minutes of ‘Me time’ will do wonders. Protection Status


  1. Very nice. Beautifully written.

  2. yes, totally understand the sentiments in your post.. sometimes when people address me as '' or 'my kid's name's mother, i do ask them to address me by my name

  3. This is so important. And how easily we forget it. This year, my word for the year is just that, "Me"

  4. OMG Aparna, I cannot even begin to tell you how much this resonates at so many levels! Don't judge? Lady, I LOVE absolutely LOVE animated movies!!! Shrek series, Ice age series, Nemo, Cars, Bolt, Toy Story series, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, Inside Out, Monsters Inc, I've watched and loved them all!

    And as far as being 'me' is concerned, my whole premise of my blog is that! I talk about me. I might be a hundred different roles to a hundred different people! But I am me. And be that selfish or not, it is a fact of life! You strong woman, be yourself 100% and be proud! As for the others, if you're yourself, you'll also be those roles more comfortably.

  5. Well, all we get into 24/7 is "I and my Identity".... our life goes in proving "who I am" (more often "what I am") and by the time we realize that all our time is gone in proving and just proving (to others) we are already at "chandan-wadi"....

    Its a wake-up call for all human beings to be "ME" and give some quality time to this "ME"....

    Well written M'am worth reading I must confess.


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