Monday, April 30, 2018

Z for Zoo

He woke from his deep slumber…
Stretching himself he glared at the blazing sun above.
“Yet, another boring day”, he reminded himself.

Scratching himself he moved towards the window.
He stood there watching the outside world move.
He inhaled, deeply.
The smell of the freshly cut grass,
The earthy smell of watered earth,
Brought back memories of his old, carefree days.
He held the bars of the window,
The opening to the outside world,
He wished it was not covered with bars.

People were lining outside his house,
To have a glimpse of him.
The plaque outside his cage read,
“ Male Gorilla”, along with other details.
But today he was in no mood,
As the heat was killing him.
So he simply turned and went inside the cave,
Artificially built for him.
He was not interested in meeting his so-called fans today. Protection Status


  1. Nicely portrayed.. the frame of mind of every animal in the zoo be this for sure

  2. Oh dear, sad are those who are caged in cages .. and even sadder when caged in minds.


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